Sep 18, 2007


Last Night
It happened...a scary low. I remember when finally regaining control over my BG's, 90 felt like a low that I needed to treat. Now I have had far better control. However yesterday was a very stressful day. My tire blew out and I had to stand out in the heat for a considerable amount of time until my brother-in-law was able to come and change my tire!
I finally made it home a couple of hours later and had dinner. Two hours later, I started feeling a little numb but I still felt ok. I checked on my Aviva and I was shocked to see a BG of 49. I felt very anxious and was desperate to get some juice! Everything in the fridge was either bottle water or some sugar-free drink! DUH?? What was I thinking not having regular stuff available. I have just never had a low. Right away, my husband hurried to the store and came back with orange juice. I drank a whole glass in about 1 second or less. I waited 15 minutes and checked and it took over an hour for me to get to 80. I don't know what the heck caused it. I think it is the stress from the day! What scares me the most is that I was not that uncomfortable and it just slowly crept up on me. Then I felt so exhausted as if I were hit by a freight train. I went to bed and had Danny wake me up an hour later to check my blood. He did it was 120. I slept the rest of the night. This is what makes it hard.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the message you sent via my blog. I wanted to add a hello here too!

These lows that sneak up on you and leave you feeling flattened are the worst kind. The best thing about this community is that it is full of people who understand that. I'm glad you joined us.


Bernard said...

If you're new to insulin go to your local pharmacy and buy some of the glucose tablets. They don't taste great, but they work fast.

I also try and keep some bottles of Gatorade in the house. The kids know that it's off limits to them and only for my blood sugar correction!

I'm glad you hubbie was there to help you out. Also you may want to keep a tube of those glucose tablets in the care for emergencies. They're pretty much indestructible.

Susie said...

Do you happen to know if SweetTarts work the same? I love those candies. Also, I have started keeping those little cans of orange juice (w the foil top) in my purse and the fridge is now totally stocked. :))