Apr 15, 2008

Possible Goofy Question...treating lows

At what point should you treat for a low blood sugar?

Earlier today, I tested at 74 and was already feeling a little weird- I get a funny tingly sensation around my lips (this does not always happen). I was about to go to lunch with co-workers and I knew it would be like 20 minutes at least until we would be eating/drinking, so I went ahead and drank about 5 oz of apple juice...just in case.

This got me thinking...there are many times that I can tell it is on its way to being low, but what is the point to treat? I want to avoid lows, so usually I'll treat if my bg is anywhere in the 70's. But, I'm wondering, is that necessary to treat even if I am 78? I think I may be overtreating, but at the same time...I know it is heading that way. Should I let my body reap the benefits of the lower blood sugar as long as possible? Does it depend at all on how you feel?I have not yet had this discussion with my dr. because I have not had to deal with too many lows- until now that I am exercising AND eating right. Prior, I would never have anything under 90's.


Araby62 (a.k.a. Kathy) said...

Hi Susie,

Everyone's different, but I would have done the same as you to treat a 74. The problem with leaving it alone is that your body will "forget" how a low blood sugar feels and it will take an even lower number next time to produce symptoms. Some people even get total hypoglycemic unawareness after time and dip as low as the 30s with no symptoms.

You're not really reaping any benefits of lower blood sugar, by the way. At the same time your body is reacting by pumping cortisol and adrenalin into your system because the signal is telling your brain that something's wrong. So, treating a number in the 70s is a good idea.

Just my 2 cents :)

Allison said...

If you feel low, it's my experience that your body is dropping and that you should treat like normal. For me, any number in the 70s is a low and I feel low too, so I treat with a juice box. No matter what my number is, a juice box always brings me back to normal without trouble.

Sometimes though, if I'm in the 80s and I feel a little low or just tired, or if I've dropped quickly, I'll take half the amount I normal do... say only 2 oz of juice or a couple glucose tablets and sometimes that keeps me from dropping, though usually my meter has a lagtime and I'll just end up going low so treating doesn't make much of a difference.