Apr 3, 2008

Organizing my life & Dining with the Former President

It has been a while since I have posted. I have just been so busy trying to organize my life. I am very organized at work, but at home it was a different story. With 3 boys and their backpacks, skate boards, instruments, and sports equipment along all over the place is enough to drive me up the wall!
I finally put a stop to that. Now, it feels good to come home to a organized house. I even organized my d-drawer (night table drawer overflowing with diabetes monitors, strips, and lancets. I just hope I can keep it organized. I feel calm and in control. My blood sugars are starting to reflect that. I have been hitting the gym 5 nights a week. It is amazing how I now look forward to my "me" time at the gym. If you knew me, you would not believe it. I used to avoid any form of exercise like it was the plague! I am in a groove and I hope it lasts. Diabetes is something that has to be dealt with forever and always and I know my motivation has its definite ups and downs. I just hope it lasts because I am feeling so good.

Things are going great. I dined with a Former President, Mr. Bush, well not with per say, but nearby! Seriously, He was dining one table over from where my mom and I were sitting at a very good seafood restaraunt. We were so excited. It was very interesting seeing the secret service men scope out the place. We did not say anything since he looked very busy reading papers. But, I say I dined with the President since we were eating at the same time! :)

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